BE MINDFUL TODAY The Wellness Challenge action today is to be mindful. It's about truly experiencing the sights and sounds of the season. I know that most people think there's no reason for this and it's ridiculous. But think about it. We already have experienced … [Read more...]
GO ON A FRIEND DATE – Wellness Challenge Day 13
Go On a Coffee or Tea Date with a Friend Today's Wellness Challenge Action is to take a break from your routine and go on a coffee or tea date with a friend. Sharing some time away from our busy schedule allows our body to recover and recharge. It allows "down time" for the … [Read more...]
We just announced the 1st Annual VITAMIN C SOAK & DRINK BLAST FOR GOOD HEALTH EVENT happening right now in the comfort of your tub. Or your neighbor's tub or where ever works. So stick it to the Holiday Cold and enjoy a mineral-rich soak with added … [Read more...]
BAKE OR COOK SOMETHING NEW – Wellness Challenge Day 10
BAKE OR COOK SOMETHING NEW FOR MENTAL HEALTH Today is about breaking up the routine so let's bake or cook something new and different. I know the holiday season is crazy busy but there's something about finding a new recipe and actually putting it together. Mental … [Read more...]
Wellness Challenge – Day 4
SMALL WELLNESS STEPS DURING THE HOLIDAYS FOR BIG JANUARY RESULTS What's the Phrase..."Every Long Journey Starts with One Small Step"? Start Stepping! Just take the following small steps during the holidays and you'll see bigger wellness results in the new year. Here … [Read more...]