ENGAGE WITH SOMEONE NEW How often do you see the same people every day and just nod or say "hello" but never truly engage? We get so busy with every day life that we forget to really engage with people. So today (or even all week) go beyond the nod hello and really engage with … [Read more...]
MAKE SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE It's so easy to pick up something quick at the store but what about the gift of home made? Truly homemade or hand made is special. It takes time, skill and love. As parents, we "make" meals everyday and know how much goes into a homemade meal. But … [Read more...]
Listen to Your Favorite Songs – Day 18 Challenge
CREATE A PLAYLIST AND LISTEN TO YOUR FAVORITE SONGS You're driving along and your favorite song from high school starts playing. How do you feel? You suddenly remember great times with old friends and a big smile grows on your face. Today's action is all about remembering … [Read more...]
GO ON A FRIEND DATE – Wellness Challenge Day 13
Go On a Coffee or Tea Date with a Friend Today's Wellness Challenge Action is to take a break from your routine and go on a coffee or tea date with a friend. Sharing some time away from our busy schedule allows our body to recover and recharge. It allows "down time" for the … [Read more...]