WATCH SOMETHING HEARTWARMING OR MOTIVATIONAL How do we recharge when we're so busy? Our Wellness Challenge action for today is about focusing on a mental boost during the holidays. It can be anything from a couple minute entrepreneur pep talk or a full length holiday movie that … [Read more...]
DOWNLOAD A STRESS RELIEF OR MEDITATION APP This is certainly the time of year that stress levels are at a all time high. And if it's anything we've learned from previous stressful holidays is that we need to relax before stress levels get too high. So today's action is to … [Read more...]
BE MINDFUL – Day 17 Challenge
BE MINDFUL TODAY The Wellness Challenge action today is to be mindful. It's about truly experiencing the sights and sounds of the season. I know that most people think there's no reason for this and it's ridiculous. But think about it. We already have experienced … [Read more...]
Wellness Challenge – Day 2
Today's challenge is all about movement outdoors and getting some fresh air. Yes it's winter. Most of us are dealing with snow, and freezing temperatures but that shouldn't stop you from using that time to be outside. Fresh air is something we rarely get in the … [Read more...]
Wellness Challenge – Day 1
This may seem like a crazy idea during the busy Holiday Season, right? But at the beginning of the season is when we look at those areas of our life where we need to focus BEFORE the holiday season gets so crazy that we burn out. If one hour is too overwhelming to … [Read more...]