DRY BRUSHING FOR HEALTH What Exactly Is It? And Why Do I Need To Add It to My Routine? So What is It? Dry brushing is the process of using a firm brush on the skin without water and brushing in movements that increases blood flow to the heart. By using without water, the … [Read more...]
BE MINDFUL – Day 17 Challenge
BE MINDFUL TODAY The Wellness Challenge action today is to be mindful. It's about truly experiencing the sights and sounds of the season. I know that most people think there's no reason for this and it's ridiculous. But think about it. We already have experienced … [Read more...]
DO ONE THING YOU'VE BEEN PUTTING OFF Today’s action for our month long Wellness Challenge is to do one thing you've been putting off. This is great because it starts the momentum we need to finish off the long to-do list we all have at the end of the year. PROCRASTINATION IS A … [Read more...]
Wellness Challenge – Day 3
Today's action is a focus on mental health wellness. Call or talk to a loved one. It could be family or friend but you want to physically talk to them so that you can experience their voice and listen. It's good for both of you! Stopping, especially during busy … [Read more...]
Is Your Emotional Fitness Holding You Back?
We all know that we should lower stress, "move forward", and stop being negative. But what exactly does that mean and how does it affect your life? I'm talking about Emotional Fitness. How our emotions and responses trigger stress in the body basically. A few … [Read more...]