What is the Meaning Behind Our Logo? What Does It All Mean?
Good question. Our name, Body Systems is a nod to balance. Balance of the body. Balance of the systems that need to work together in order to be “in health.” It’s also simple and clean which represents our use of simple and good for you ingredients. Overall wellness is made up of many components and it includes our skin’s health and our logo means balance.
There is also a not so hidden essential element in there. Can you spot it? The O is the alchemy symbol for salt. An essential element that the body needs in order to function. We don’t realize how important it is till our body is low. Just like other elements the body needs…
Some of you know the beginnings of our company. Founder Teri Patterson wanted healthy skin care that was also beneficial to the skin. Could we create a line of products that made us pursue more and get back to our workouts faster and healthier? Yes!
We still believe that balance is the “key”.
Even after 17+ years it’s even more essential that we look at the entire system and all of the parts working in order to be truly healthy. And it’s not just about working out a few times per week. But it’s also about the foods we’re eating, about the types of diverse exercise we’re getting, it’s about lowering stress levels and recognizing the dangers of stress.
One way to make sure everything is working well and in harmony is to use healthy skin care products. If we’re working out like crazy but then slathering on a chemical-filled lotion after the showers then we’re not fully focusing on all of our health needs. Our skin needs fuel and that fuel needs to be healthy just like our food we eat.
Our line of products are what the skin needs to be healthy. The products also focus on 4 key areas to aid us in living a more active life. Prep, Compete, Recover and Pamper. Tomorrow we’re going to dive deeper into those 4 key areas but today we wanted to “reintroduce” ourselves and let you know the meaning behind our company’s name and logo. In the mean time, take a look at our site and look around. Ask questions below and join us tomorrow as we discuss more about who we are and what do our products do!

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